
What is Honey?
Honey seems like such a primal ingredient that we often don't think of the almost magical process that takes flower nectar and transforms it into the golden, sweet substance we all know and love. Intended to feed the bee colony when times are lean, honey must be resistant to microbial, fungal, and viral attacks. To that end, bees harvest nectar and immediately begin changing the chemical composition and pH of the nectar. The same properties that make honey such a long-lasting food for bees make it ideal for the skin.
Quick Facts
Honey is a naturally occurring sugar composed of both glucose and fructose. Like all sugars, it naturally draws in moisture which is excellent for dry and aging skin.
As an antimicrobial, it kills harmful bacteria that live in the skin.
Honey's antibacterial properties make it highly effective in removing dirt and toxins from the skin.
Long respected for its effectiveness in treating wounds, honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. Honey is a highly effective ingredient for soothing and healing skin irritations and inflammation.
The enzymes in honey make it an excellent non-abrasive exfoliant for the skin.
Ease Hyperpigmentation
There are trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide in honey that give it mild lightening properties.